About Erin Cooper

Certifiedl Wellness Coach, Erin Cooper holding a bottle of Plant Derived Minerals for gut health, weight loss, acne, Seborrheic Dermatitis, eczema, diabetes. Plant derived Minerals supplement

Here’s a little bit about me. Hi, my name is Erin Cooper, I’m a Certified Wellness Coach and the founder of Wellness Coaching by Erin Cooper (also known as Hungry Fit Foodie). I had the idea to start blogging after going to various doctors, websites, blogs, podcasts, etc. to learn how to treat chronic diseases.

That’s when I decided to help others who didn’t have the time, energy, or money to perform this level of research. Immediately, the thought occurred to me, while driving to work, “start a blog”. That’s why I started this blog, to help you, your family, and friends discover the answer to your “Why”. Why am I sick? Why has this happened to me? So, check out my posts on Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter- X, Medium, and LinkedIn, and get to know me and how I can help you!


Our vision is to revolutionize the wellness industry with a comprehensive, science-based approach to clear skin, weight loss and reversing digestive disorders, empowering individuals to achieve their full potential, resulting in a holistic and sustainable future for all.


Empowering women to achieve optimal health and wellness through science-based, outcome-driven coaching, utilizing practical tools to address weight loss, skin and digestive conditions, resulting in improved self-confidence and overall well-being.

About Our Coaching Packages

In our online coaching packages, we take a deep dive into the 20 most common gut health disturbances and provide you with a customized and comprehensive nutrition and exercise program, recommended by our licensed naturopathic doctors to address your unique health concerns. We aslo create health restoration video courses for our membership, TikTok Community, and YouTube Channel. Hungry Fit Foodie is best known for its popular 20-Day Gut Health Restoration Challenge on Facebook.

About Hungry Fit Foodie's Audience on Youtube


This map doesn’t show where everyone who has shown an interest in our gut health restoration membership resides. We don’t celebrate when someone is just window shopping.  We celebrate when they actually take the first step, aka take Action!  The map below shows our members who have at least started making changes.  Yes, we are in all 50 states! Some of them have gone on to complete our 20 Day Gut Health Challenge. 

About Us: Map of USA and clients

Get Diet &
Health Tips.

Any time there’s new research or new current event affecting your health, you’ll get an email with our explanation of it, and how you can take advantage of our carefully crafted health protocols.  We only send the email a few times a year.