Seborrheic Dermatitis: 3 Steps to Clear Skin Online Course, Created by Erin Cooper, Certified Wellness Coach



I was diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis when I was 25 years old, due to my red, scabby, itchy scalp. But my story actually starts way before then. I was born with cradle cap and suffered from Seborrheic Dermatitis for most of my life. I remember being embarrassed by all dandruff, red, patchy, and itchy scalp/skin mostly covering my scalp and hairline. For years I wouldn’t wear black because I didn’t want people to see all of the flakes that would cover my shoulders, and back. I went to several dermatologists, looking for a solution, but left frustrated because all they would do is tell me that it’s genetic and give me steroids. 

I searched to find a natural solution that worked! After going on a 12-year-long journey to find the answer, I finally got connected with a team of naturopathic doctors that helped me understand the root cause and how to fix it. Now, I no longer use any prescriptions or even over-the-counter products like hydrocortisone cream on my scalp or face. My scalp is not itchy, red/inflamed, and full of dandruff. I now walk with confidence and wear black again. 

I want that for YOU and here’s how!

Seborrheic Dermatits on Scalp. How I cured seborrheic Dermatitis
Pic of Erin Cooper, Certified Wellness Coach & CEO of Hungry Fit Foodie- with Seborrheic Dermatitis on Scalp, before treatment
Erin Cooper, Creator of Hungry Fit Foodie drinking Plant Derived Minerals Youngevity, Seborrheic Dermatitis Gluten
Erin Cooper, CEO


If you’ve had seborrheic dermatitis for some time, you already know that topical treatments, like Ketoconazole 2% shampoo, Nizoral A-D, Selsun Blue, Head & Shoulders, T-Gel,  Neutrogena T/Sal, Fluocinolone Acetonide (prescription scalp oil), prescription-strength hydrocortisone, scratching, etc. JUST DON’T WORK! The problem is that seborrheic dermatitis left untreated will continue to get worse and expand to other areas of your body, like an itchy scalp.

I created Seborrheic Dermatitis: 3-Steps to Clear Skin so that I can teach you how I was able to get clear, smooth, flake-free skin in just 3 simple steps! My course consists of science- and outcome-based cleanse, nutrition plan, and skin care, all created by our team of naturopathic doctors. But that’s not all, you will also have access to our community of like precious people, that are also here to support you. 

Most of my clients start seeing results in as little as 20 days!

Asian Woman working on gut cleanse

How Does Our Online Course Work?

In our online Seborrheic Dermatitis: 3-Steps to Clear Skin course, you will have  3 short, simple, yet effective modules. By the time you are done with the course, you will  understand how food affects your skin. Next, we will address the root cause of your seborrheic dermatitis head on with protocols from our doctors. Lastly, we will give you step by step instructions on proper skincare for maintain clear skin.  Check out our 3-Phase Restoration approach to clearing your skin.

Woman looking at computer screen- Wellness Coach

What is a Certified Wellness Coach?​​

On your journey, you will have access to your own certified wellness coach. Certified Wellness Coaches are lifestyle professionals who are devoted to helping their clients reach their highest potential for health. Like the great coach Phil Jackson who used mindfulness and other holistic techniques to lead his teams to championships, a certified wellness coach will assist their clients in defining what wellness means to them and working with what they already have to achieve it.

What A Coach is NOT?​

It is important to recognize that a certified wellness coach’s intention is not to treat their clients as a physician would, but to help guide their choices in regard to eating, exercise, and emotional care. Coaches give clients methods to stay healthy and stave off illness. Sometimes wellness coaches work in conjunction with physicians and other health care providers like nutritionists to create a balanced action plan.

Our 3 Phase Seborrheic Dermatitis Restoration Approach

The Cleanse

In this phase, you’ll learn the meaning and origin of how you got seborrheic dermatitis. “The Cleanse” is designed to achieve relief from an itchy scalp, awareness, and knowledge of how to control your SD and flare-ups.  Get ready to receive step by step instructions on how to get started.

Woman and son shopping for produce. Seborrheic Dermatitis. Gut Health


 In “Nutrition”, you will learn about our #1 recommended program, our Seborrheic Dermatitis Cleanse. This is a “working workshop”, where you will receive direct coaching from your Certified Wellness Coach. We will walk you through the cleanse which is designed to address the root cause of seborrheic dermatitis. 


Everyone of us has struggled staying on a nutrition plan, and the research shows that  71% of you will likely make unhealthy choices. During “Skincare”,  you’ll focus on consistency and building an action plan through online lessons on establishing new habits, and proper naturopathic skincare.

You Heard It From Me First! How To Manage An Itchy Scalp

More Ways We Can Help

Facebook Group Gut Challenge Cover

Join our Facebook Gut Health Challenge!

If you are sick and tired of having seborrheic dermtatits,  then you gotta check out our 20-Day Gut Challenge on Facebook, where you can ask personal questions on how to clear your skin with proper to the group and our naturopathic doctors.

Online Wellness Coaching

Live Virtual Group Sessions

Short on time? Do you have tons of errands to run, and need flexibility? Join our live virtual group sessions so that you can learn more about how to clear your skin and ask questions live, especially if you experience flare-ups. 

Woman Lifting Arms. Online Course

Lifestyle Changes

Our approach is not a quick fix gimmick. Along the way , we will establish good habits and tactics you will use to help you be sucessful. We understand how making life changes can be challenging, and we want to support you with the tools you’ll need, while on the road to recovery from seborrheic dermatitis.

Wellness Coaching Programs

Considering getting your own personal certified coach but not sure? Well, what is wellness coaching and is it effective? Check out our stats on why everyone should have a wellness coach! Membership details included. 

Become a Member

Hungry Fit Foodie members get our entire system. Hundreds of hours of live online lessons, a community to get answers, our naturopathic doctor created cleanse, weekly mastermind events, and our weekly newsletter on all things skin health.

Our Members are Crushing it!

Joyce decided to focus on her diet to clear her skin. She followed one of our protocols, Good Food/Bad Food List, and notice her skin was improving! She started with removing just 2 of the bad foods and was able to achieve these results. 

Watch to see what we are all about

Still unsure who we are? You gotta check out this video.

Coach Erin will share more about who we are and what practical tools you will get from us to make you more likely to succeed. Get rid of that itchy scalp, red, bump skin now!

You’ll never know what you could have Achieved if you never start.

We’ve been where you’re going.  We’ll be there for you on your journey.  Unlike some online courses, we won’t ditch you the second you join.  Erin’s only job at Hungry Fit Foodie is to make sure our training, software, communication, and other resources for our members are top-notch.

Erin Cooper, Certified Wellness Coach & Creator of Hungry Fit Foodie. Online Course

Important disclaimer: Some members may fail, and there is no guarantee of success. Success requires hard work, commitment, and significant time.  Some members never get their desired results.