Edema Treatment

My swollen feet and ankles due to chronic lymph edema

What is Edema?

Edema, also known as oedema or pitted edema, is a medical condition characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the body’s tissues, leading to swelling and a sensation of heaviness or tightness. It can occur in various parts of the body, such as the legs, ankles, feet, hands, and even the lungs or abdomen. Edema is not a disease itself, but rather a symptom or sign of an underlying health issue. Understanding the causes, symptoms, along with finding the best edema treatment options are crucial for managing this condition effectively.

Edema- Symptoms and Causes

Edema can have numerous causes, and it often develops as a result of an imbalance between the fluid that enters tissues and the fluid that is removed. Some common causes of edema include:

  1. Inflammation: Inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, tendonitis, or infections can lead to localized edema.
  2. Injury or trauma: Sprains, fractures, or other injuries can cause localized swelling and edema.
  3. Chronic venous insufficiency: When veins in the legs have difficulty returning blood to the heart, fluid can accumulate, resulting in leg edema.
  4. Heart failure: A weakened heart may struggle to pump blood efficiently, leading to fluid retention and generalized edema.
  5. Kidney disease: Impaired kidney function can cause fluid retention and systemic edema.
  6. Liver disease: Liver cirrhosis or other liver conditions can disrupt the production of proteins necessary for maintaining fluid balance, resulting in edema.
  7. Hormonal changes: Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy or hormonal disorders can contribute to fluid retention and edema.
  8. Medications: Certain medications, such as calcium channel blockers or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), can cause fluid retention and edema as a side effect.

Symptoms of Edema: The hallmark symptom of edema is visible swelling in the affected body part, but other signs may accompany it:

  1. Swelling: Edema typically causes noticeable swelling, which may be localized or affect larger areas of the body.
  2. Puffiness: The skin over the swollen area may appear puffy or stretched.
  3. Skin changes: The skin may become shiny, stretched, or discolored in the affected area.
  4. Stiffness: Edema can cause a sensation of tightness or stiffness in the affected body part.
  5. Weight gain: Generalized edema can result in weight gain due to fluid retention.
  6. Reduced mobility: Severe edema in the legs or feet can make walking or moving the affected limb difficult.

How Edema Occurs In Legs

I was shocked. It’s true that I’ve never enjoyed eating vegetables, so I wasn’t surprised that if that’s what it took to fix the problem, no wonder it became “chronic”. Raw, green leafy vegetables have a high concentration of essential nutrients. We all should aim for 10 servings per day. Why? Because removing processed, prepackaged, fried, unhealthy foods from your diet, will cause you to absorb more of the healthy foods or supplements you may be taking. If your bad gut bacteria is too high, due to an unhealthy diet, then all of those dollars spent on supplements, treatments, gym memberships, etc., will be null and void. 

I think it’s also worth noting that when I don’t stick to eating my veggies, the edema comes back with a vengeance. This is something you need to do consistently in order to see results. One thing that has gone unsaid but my naturopathic doctor instructed me to do, is for each meal, 50% of your plate should be protein-based. 

Why protein? According to the Mayo Clinic, edema occurs when tiny blood vessels in the body (capillaries) leak fluid. The fluid (a protein- filled fluid) builds up in surrounding tissues, leading to swelling. By consuming protein, you strengthen the blood vessels and replace the protein rich fluid that was lost.

How to Treat Edema

Well, this is what started my entire journey, edema! I can’t tell you how badly this has plagued me. Not only are your feet and ankles unsightly, but try walking in high heels with this. Ladies, you know what I’m talking about. My edema has gotten so bad that it was even difficult to walk. The lack of mobility/movement in your low extremities is also a pain. I was diagnosed with chronic lymph edema, which means my edema (swelling) NEVER went away. People told me for years that the best edema treatments are the following, but none of it worked for me:

  1. Medications: Diuretics, or water pills, may be prescribed to help the body eliminate excess fluid.
  2. Compression therapy: Wearing compression stockings or bandages can help improve circulation and reduce swelling.
  3. Lifestyle changes: Making dietary adjustments, reducing salt intake, exercising regularly, and elevating the affected limbs can aid in managing edema.
  4. Treating the underlying condition: Addressing the root cause of edema, such as managing heart failure, kidney disease, or liver disease, can help alleviate fluid retention.
  5. Drainage procedures: In some cases, medical procedures like paracentesis or thoracentesis may be necessary to drain excessive fluid from the abdomen or lungs.
  6. Physical therapy: Certain exercises and techniques can help improve circulation, reduce swelling, and strengthen affected muscles.

The only treatment that did work for me was dietary modifications: Working with a naturopathic doctor can help identify foods that may contribute to fluid retention and make appropriate dietary changes.

Thats why we offer an all-inclusive nutritional pack called the 90 Essential Nutrients to address the nutritional deficiencies leading to edema. Check out my latest blog post, Supplements Everyone Should Take


Dietary Restrictions for Edema

When it comes to maintaining a healthy diet, it’s important to be mindful of certain foods that are often considered less healthy or detrimental to overall well-being. Here’s a list of 12 “bad” foods to avoid in order to reverse edema:

  1. Wheat
  2. Barley
  3. Rye
  4. Oats (except gluten-free oats)
  5. Fried food – avoid anything fried. Instead, opt for boiling, broiling, or baking. Avoid cooking meat more well-done than medium-rare.
  6. Oils – both cooking oils and salad oils should be avoided, including olive oil. The recommendation is to eliminate all types of oil from your diet.
  7. Well-done meat – opt for rare or medium-rare meat instead of well-done.
  8. Deli meats – avoid deli meats that contain nitrates or nitrites. Read labels carefully and request your butcher to provide options without these additives.
  9. Carbonated drinks – avoid all carbonated beverages.
  10. Baked potato skins – it’s recommended to avoid consuming potato skins that are baked.
  11. Refined sugar – limit your intake of refined sugar and also be mindful of healthy sugars and carbohydrates found in fruits and starchy vegetables.
  12. GMO Foods

Final Thoughts

Edema is a condition characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the body’s tissues, leading to swelling and discomfort. It can arise from a variety of causes, ranging from localized inflammation and injuries to systemic conditions like heart or kidney disease. Recognizing the signs of edema, such as visible swelling, puffiness, and skin changes, is crucial for early detection and prompt treatment.

Treating edema involves addressing the underlying cause while managing the symptoms and reducing fluid retention. Medications, such as diuretics, may be prescribed to help eliminate excess fluid, while compression therapy can improve circulation and reduce swelling. However, you may find that these traditional and conventional solutions may not work.  Lifestyle changes, including dietary modifications, and exercise, will play a significant role in managing edema. By addressing the root cause of edema, such as eating raw vegetables or going gluten-free is essential for long-term management.

Edema Treatment, How Does Plant-Based Protein Help?

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