How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off, Permanently

5 Things You Need To Do To Achieve a Healthy Body Weight And Keep It Permanently. Woman measuring belly fat. How to lose weight fast

As a Certified Wellness Coach, I constantly have clients asking me how to lose weight fast, and more importantly, how to keep it off. After doing some research and considering, the success stories I’ve had, I was able to narrow it down to my top picks. Here are my top 5 Things You Need To Know On How To Lose Weight Fast and Keep It Permanently:

  1. Eat Green Leafy Vegetables
  2. Don’t eat Foods Fried in Oils
  3. Go Gluten-free
  4. Take Probiotics daily
  5. Keep Unhealthy People Out of Your Life

1. Eat Green Leafy Vegetables

You may be thinking, of course we already know that you should eat vegetables, but my question is why? According to Medical News Today, “ [Green Leafy Vegetables}… are typically rich in nutrients and fiber and low in calories and fat.”  

Some of the nutrients that green leafy vegetables are rich in are antioxidants, vitamins ( K, C), folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sulforaphane ( cancer fighting compound), etc. WedMD reviewed fiber to see if and how effective it was for weight loss. 

Their research (and the research of others) found that, “Fiber has no magical fat-burning properties. It simply helps you feel full without adding a lot of extra calories to your diet.”. As a result, if you feel full, then you will eat less, increasing your chances of losing weight. 

So, the next time to think of skipping that salad, think again.

2. Don’t eat Foods Fried in Oils

If you haven’t heard about the dangers of eating fried foods, then I’m talking to you. Why should you NOT eat any foods fried in any oil ( including olive oil)? According to Dr. Peter Glidden, doctor of naturopathic medicine, any oil in a bottle has an air gap ( air trapped between the oil in a bottle and the cap to the bottle. 

That air, over time, oxidizes the oil. Once you heat the oil, it will further oxides in a matter of minutes and create a substance called “acrylamide”. So, what’s wrong with acrylamide? Acrylamide is carcinogenic/poison.

Oxidized substances that make their way into the human body, will lead to chronic inflammation. Small amounts of inflammation over time, add up and eventually something will break.

What are the effects of inflammation?​

Based on research conducted by the Cleveland Clinic, some signs that your body is suffering from an inflammatory response include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Chest pain
  • Fatigue (example: systemic lupus)
  • Fever (example: tuberculosis)
  • Joint pain or stiffness (example: rheumatoid arthritis)
  • Mouth sores (example: HIV infection)
  • Skin rash (example: psoriasis)

Some conditions that are associated with chronic inflammation are:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Asthma
  • Cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
  • Type 2 diabetes

So how does refraining from eating fried foods help with weight loss? Because eating fried foods can make you consume too many calories, leading to weight gain. So now you have weight gain and poisonous food. It just keeps getting worse.  

Why is butter better than oil?​

As you can see, inflammation and carcinogens (cancer causing substances) are at the heart of foods fried in oil. That’s why I recommend my clients not to fry their food in oil, but butter. Why butter? 

Because butter ( I also recommend dairy free butters), according to eastern medicine leader, New Delhi Television, “Although butter contains saturated fats, these fats are heart-healthy while the poly-unsaturated fat (omega 6 fatty acid) in oils are unwanted fats which may cause inflammation and should be avoided.” 

Not to mention, that butter makes your food taste better as well!

3. Go Gluten-free

For years I heard that you should not eat gluten, but I didn’t understand why. In this section, I want to explain, why you should go gluten free. As a certified wellness coach, I interact regularly and train with naturopathic doctors. 

I was privileged to have an opportunity to talk with Dr. Peter Glidden, ND, who explained the science behind why gluten is so bad for most people. 

Before we jump in, let’s start off by answering the question, what is gluten?

What is gluten?

Gluten is a protein made up of amino acids. Amino acids are essential for health, and it’s our stomach’s job to break apart the long amino acids inside the gluten protein, giving your body access to those amino acids. 

But the chemical bonds that hold the amino acid together inside the gluten protein, are very difficult, if not impossible, for your stomach acid to digest. Undigested food turns into constipation and bloating. 

If you just can’t seem to get rid of that belly, then it may be due to undigested foods putrefying in your intestines.


To add insult to injury, most people have weak stomach acid. This just compounds the situation. The gluten protein is now undigested and can’t be absorbed into the bloodstream. 

When your small intestines try to absorb the unbroken, long chain of amino acids, that causes a lot of problems. 

You end up damaging tissue, which is responsible for absorbing nutrients into the bloodstream.


Therefore, with the consistent consumption of whole grains, the less your body can absorb nutrients into the blood stream. Since all chronic diseases are rooted in nutrient deficiencies, the more whole grains (wheat, barley, rye, and oats) you eat the more likely you are to suffer from a chronic disease.  

My recommendation is to stop eating them NOW!

4. Take Probiotics daily

How to lose weight taking probiotics daily? Well, according to the Cleveland Clinic, “probiotics are made up of good bacteria and help your body healthy and working well”. 

Why is that? Because up to 80% of your immunity is in your gut, probiotics help with balancing your good gut bacteria with your bad gut bacteria.  I think it’s good to note that a healthy gut has 80% good bacteria and 20% bad bacteria. 

The role of probiotics is to get your gut bacteria to these percentages.

How to lose weight fast: Why are probiotics beneficial?

Probiotics are so beneficial because by balancing your gut bacteria to a healthy level, you are minimizing your risk of over 20 chronic diseases associated with an unhealthy gut. Some of the symptoms ( also known as chronic conditions) associated with an unhealthy gut include:

  1. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  2. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  3. Obesity
  4. Type 2 diabetes
  5. Acne
  6. Eczema
  7. Rosacea
  8. Psoriasis
  9. Dermatitis
  10. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
  11. Graves’ disease
  12. Type 1 diabetes
  13. Lupus erythematosus
  14. Multiple sclerosis
  15. Allergies
  16. Osteoarthritis
  17. Bloating
  18. Constipation
  19. Gas
  20. Gallstones

I highlighted “obesity” because I don’t think that most people realize that obesity is related to poor gut health. If you are experiencing any of these conditions, I highly recommend you check out our coaching packages

In this course, we discuss, “What is a “leaky gut” and how it affects your body? As well as our 20-day gut cleanse to rebalance your gut bacteria ( created by naturopathic doctors) and create a mindset shift by establishing new habits and setting goals. Start making changes that will impact your health in a big way today. 

Remember, your gut is the center of health. 

5. Keep Unhealthy People Out of Your Life

You probably weren’t expecting this one. But it’s so true. There’s a saying that goes, “ you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” If you believe that to be true, then the people you are around influencing your behavior. 

So being around unhealthy people that are constantly trying to encourage you to go off your health plan, or not really your friends.

I know what you are thinking, what if it’s family, husband, wife, kids, etc. that are the negative influence, what do I do, because I can’t get them out of my life. This is true, and extremely unfortunate as well. 

But if I may leave you with this, no matter who is in your life that you can’t control, what you can control is building your own community of people that support you. 

That’s why I’ve created a community for people to join that share the same mindset around health and fitness. Joining this group is truly how to lose weight and keep it off, permanently! It’s called, the 20-Day Gut Challenge ( Facebook). Join today and become part of a community that wants you to succeed!